Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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From: s.c.thai-faq@nwg.nectec.or.th (soc.culture.thai FAQ maintainer)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.thai,soc.answers,news.answers
Subject: soc.culture.thai Technical FAQ part 1
Supersedes: <sctfaq-tech-1_762654934@nwg.nectec.or.th>
Followup-To: soc.culture.thai
Date: 1 Apr 1994 20:30:32 +0700
Organization: Academic and research support host at NECTEC, Bangkok, THAILAND
Lines: 414
Sender: trin@nwg.nectec.or.th
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: 15 May 1994 13:30:04 GMT
Message-ID: <sctfaq-tech-1_765207004@nwg.nectec.or.th>
Reply-To: s.c.thai-faq@nwg.nectec.or.th
NNTP-Posting-Host: nwg.nectec.or.th
Summary: This posting contains technical information for the
soc.culture.thai newsgroup.
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu soc.culture.thai:15968 soc.answers:1047 news.answers:17156
Archive-name: thai/technical/part1
Soc-culture-thai-archive-name: technical/part1
Version: $Id: sctfaq-tech-1,v 1.3 1994/03/29 13:38:57 trin Exp trin $
The "soc.culture.thai Frequently Asked Questions" periodic postings are
divided into 5 parts plus an index. Requests for inclusion, correction
or update can be made by posting a public message or follow-up to this
The current release of these FAQs can be fetched by anonymous FTP from
rtfm.mit.edu (or its mirror sites) under directories:
or accessed via World-wide Web at URL:
The working copy of this FAQ can be anonymous FTP from ftp.nectec.or.th
( in directory /pub/info/soc.culture.thai-faq.
Networking and Software
* Networking
N.1) Network map
N.2) Domestic host count
N.3) NSFnet network statistics
N.4) Network resources
N.5) Commercial network access (revised)
* Thai software
S.1) Microsoft Windows 3.1 Thai Edition
This part describes technical aspects of Thailand particularly Information
Technology and Science and Technology Development activities.
N.1) Network map
Domestic IP network topology
TU-----TU | KKU
Rangsit `\ | SUT / STOU
TIAC `\ MOPH| | /' RU /'
`\_`\ | | | /'_/'__/'
UUNET/Alternet------------N E C T E C---------KMITNB
| | |`\`\`------MUA
AIT KMITL | `\ `\`-----KMITT
| | PSU `\
UUNET---------Chula-------+ `\ `---KU
/' | `\ PSU
Chiangmai | `Mahidol Pattani
------- IP link
AIT Asian Institute of Technology {Pathumthani}
AU Assumption Univiersity, formerly known as Assumption
Business Administration College -- ABAC
Chiangmai Chiangmai University {Chiangmai}
Chula Chulalongkorn University
KKU Khon Kaen University {Khon Kaen}
KMITL King Mongkut Institute of Technology, Ladkrabang Campus
KMITNB King Mongkut Institute of Technology, North Bangkok Campus
KMITT King Mongkut Institute of Technology, Thonburi Campus
KU Kasetsart University, Bangkhen Campus
Mahidol Mahidol University, Ramathibodi Campus
MOPH Ministry of Public Health
MUA Ministry of University Affairs
NECTEC National Electronics and Computer Technology Center,
National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA),
Ministry of Science Technology and Environment (MoSTE)
NIDA National Institute for Development Administration
PSU Prince of Songkhla University, Haad Yai Campus {Songkhla}
PSU Pattani Prince of Songkhla University, Pattani Campus {Pattani}
RU Ramkhamhaeng University, Huamark Campus
STOU Sokhothai Thammathirat Open University {Nonthaburi}
SUT Suranaree University of Technology {Nakornratchasima}
TIAC Technical Information Access Center, NSTDA, MoSTE
TU Thammasat University, Thaprachan Campus
TU Rangsit Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus {Pathumthani}
N.2) Domestic host count
As of March 12 1994, Thailand has:
Found 0 hosts within th
Found 0 hosts within or.th
Found 41 hosts within nectec.or.th (NECTEC)
Found 3 gateway hosts within nectec.or.th
Found 0 hosts within go.th
Found 1 host within moph.go.th (Min. of Public Health)
Found 1 host within mua.go.th (Min. of University Affairs)
Found 0 hosts within ac.th
Found 1 host within ru.ac.th (Ramkhamhaeng)
Found 3 hosts within nida.ac.th (NIDA)
Found 7 hosts within kmitl.ac.th (KMIT Ladkrabang)
Found 1 gateway host within kmitl.ac.th
Found 16 hosts within crsc.kmitl.ac.th
Found 2 gateway hosts within crsc.kmitl.ac.th
Found 31 hosts within lcad.crsc.kmitl.ac.th
Found 58 hosts within ce.kmitl.ac.th
Found 2 gateway hosts within ce.kmitl.ac.th
Found 43 hosts within net.kmitl.ac.th
Found 12 gateway hosts within net.kmitl.ac.th
Found 13 hosts within ait.ac.th (AIT)
Found 16 hosts within cs.ait.ac.th
Found 1 host within staff_lan.ait.ac.th
Found 8 hosts within chiangmai.ac.th (Chiangmai)
Found 1 host within kmitnb.ac.th (KMIT North Bangkok)
Found 5 hosts within tu.ac.th (Thammasat)
Found 13 hosts within chula.ac.th (Chulalongkorn)
Found 2 extrazone hosts within chula.ac.th
Found 5 hosts within acc.chula.ac.th
Found 5 hosts within cuuc.chula.ac.th
Found 4 hosts within csc.chula.ac.th
Found 4 hosts within car.chula.ac.th
Found 1 host within md.chula.ac.th
Found 2 hosts within atccu.chula.ac.th
Found 2 hosts within eng.chula.ac.th
Found 2 hosts within stou.ac.th (Sukhothai Thammathirat)
Found 5 hosts within mahidol.ac.th (Mahidol)
Found 1 host within sut.ac.th (Suranaree Univ of Technology)
Found 13 hosts within au.ac.th (Assumption)
Found 6 hosts within psu.ac.th (Prince of Songkhla)
Found 1 host within kmitt.ac.th (KMIT Thonburi)
Found 6 hosts within ku.ac.th (Kasetsart)
Found 1 gateway host within ku.ac.th
Found 28 hosts within cpc.ku.ac.th
Found 1 duplicate host within cpc.ku.ac.th
Found 1 gateway host within cpc.ku.ac.th
Found 54 hosts within cpe.ku.ac.th
Found 1 gateway host within cpe.ku.ac.th
Found 3 hosts within lib.ku.ac.th
Found 6 hosts within kku.ac.th (Khon Kaen)
Encountered 407 hosts in 39 domains within th
Encountered 1 duplicate host in 39 domains within th
N.3) NSFnet traffic
NSF Backbone Service Traffic from/to Thailand.
Bytes Bytes Percentages
No. In To Out From In Out
Nets Backbone Backbone (%all traffic)
93 Jan 3 110086100 291218500 0.00 0.01
Feb 11 153774900 450993850 0.00 0.01
Mar 12 232535800 637034800 0.00 0.01
Apr 11 157441200 596281150 0.00 0.01
May 13 173862850 724595250 0.00 0.01
Jun 13 258465250 883010950 0.00 0.01
Jul 15 275098400 1433567400 0.00 0.02
Aug 16 378205950 2042966200 0.01 0.03
Sep 16 441728700 2253084200 0.01 0.03
Oct 17 473182400 2694364850 0.00 0.03
Nov 17 596610450 4087475000 0.01 0.04
Dec 18 610994800 4037458900 0.01 0.04
94 Jan 21 972252150 4711328550 0.01 0.05
Feb 25 2244173700 4127016300 0.02 0.04
Source: derived from data at nic.merit.edu
N.4) Network resources
FTP servers
/pub/thaisys/BBS Selected files from BBSes in Thailand.
.../info Files from NECTEC /pub/info/...
.../software Files from NECTEC /pub/pc/... and
Kent State's /pub/Thai/Software.
.../thainews Decoded daily news from Thai News Agency
available at NECTEC /pub/news. Updated
/pub/Thai/Docs Text files from NECTEC /pub/info/...
.../Fonts/... Thai fonts for Macintosh, TeX and bitmap.
.../Newsletter Archive of Thai newsletters (the interim
mailing list prior to the creation of
.../Pictures JPEG files.
.../STnews News on Science and Technology development.
.../Software Various Thai software.
/pub/pics/Thailand GIF and JPEG pictures of Thailand.
/pub/cuword Home of cuword
/pub/info/... Information -- Text files
.../gna Global Network Academy -- list of courses/
degrees of which class attendance is not
required and the Internet and its facilities
can be used to stimulate classroom
.../netinfo Forms/procedures related to Internet
.../royal-speeches Transcriptions of Royal Speeches on various
occations. Thai. TIS 620-2533 character set.
.../soc.culture.thai-faq Working copy of soc.culture.thai FAQ.
.../thai-language Thai word list, Thai word parser, etc.
.../thailand-education Information on local education.
.../thailand-figures Economic indicators and forecasts.
.../thailand-gis+maps GIS data and maps.
.../thailand-networking Domestic networking.
.../thailand-travel Travel.
/pub/mirrors/... Mirror archives of various software and
specifications. Update automatically.
.../dharma DharmaNet Electronic File Archive (DEFA).
.../games U Mass Lowell's games archive.
.../internet-drafts Internet drafts.
.../gnu GNU archive from MIT.
.../lpf Leagues for Programming Freedom archive.
.../microsoft MS technical specifications.
.../msdos Simtel/Oak Repository archive.
.../rfc Internet RFC's.
.../win3 Indiana CICA's Win3 archive.
/pub/news Daily news from Thai News Agency. Thai.
TIS 620-2533 character set. Updated daily.
/pub/pc/cu-writer The renowned CU-Writer (a.k.a. CU Word).
Developed at Chulalongkorn. Thai.
.../lao Lao software -- now only the Lao version
of CU Writer 1.5. Developed by the
International Relations of Chulalongkorn and
the Lao PDR's Ministry of Science and
.../mm-may92 MS Windows multimedia application of
the 'middle-class uprising' May 1992
chronicle. Developed at AIT. Thai.
.../thai-lib C programming library to facilitate the
development of Thai language applications.
Developed at KMIT-T. Thai.
/pub/mirrors/... Mirror archives of various software.
Update on a daily basis.
.../linux Linux archive from MIT.
.../mac Macintosh archive from Stanford.
Telnet server
Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn.
Index of Thai Medical Journals.
Login as CUML; no password. OpenVMS.
microCDS/ISIS package.
Regional Computing Center, AIT. Online
library catalogue. Login as LIBRARY;
no password. OpenVMS. microCDS/ISIS pkg.
Gopher servers
Regional and domestic information from
ESCAP, UNESCO, University of Maryland
and many others. Great source of info.
chulkn.chula.ac.th ** Experimental server **
Internet Service Office.
gopher.chiangmai.ac.th ** Experimental server **
Information center for Northern Thailand.
Travel information. Recent country-wide
weather forecast.
gopher.kku.ac.th ** Experimental server **
Information center for Northeastern Thailand.
gopher.mahidol.ac.th ** Experimental server **
Computer Center, Mahidol.
WWW servers
emailhost.ait.ac.th Offers similar sets as AIT gopher plus
the richness of the global web. Home page:
www.nectec.or.th A world-wide web server to access all known
domestic information mentioned above. Access
to NECTEC mirror archives (RFCs, draft RFCs,
GNU, SimTel/Oak MSDOS, UML Games, D.E.F.A.
Buddhism online files, CICA Win3, Microsoft
technical specs, League for programming
freedom, Linux and Macintosh). Various
collections of handy network utilities. Global
Network Navigator. Global Network Academy.
Australia/Thailand Higher Education Information
Exchange. ANU Coombs archives Thai-Yunnan
Project Newsletters. soc.culture.thai FAQs.
Home page is URL:
Updated on 1994-03-12.
N.5) Commercial network access
From: mbarnes@finally.East.Sun.COM (Mike Barnes)
Date: 14 Feb 1994 20:42:08 GMT
Contacts for Compuserve in Thailand:
Commercial Service:
Director, Commercial Division
Communications Authority of Thailand
Bangkok 10501
Telephone: (662) 234-7242 or 233-1050, ext. 2217 or 2521
Telex: (788) 70021 or 80013
Administrative Matters:
Dr. Kittin Udomkiat
Telex: (788) 80006
Technical Matters:
Mr. Manit Saikeaw
Telex: (788) 70046
From: fyta@chula.ac.th (Yunyong Teng-amnuay)
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 08:45:16 +0700 (BKK)
THAIPAK is the X.25 service offered by CAT (Communications Authority of
Thailand). It allows connection to other X.25 node (server) via simple
RS232 async port (?9600? bps). There are minimum charge and traffic
charge by the byte.
At the moment there is no "commercial Internet service" in Thailand.
So people can't just walk in with money to get an account for Internet
access. The current connections (started by Chulalongkorn University
since September 1992 and later on by NECTEC) are under constraints by
the CAT to be used only for education and research purposes. That is
by such organizations or their members. If you can find some
justification (such as affiliation with Chulalongkorn) then you should
be entitled to a temporary account.
[...] Commercial service for the Internet access may come in a year
or so but even then it will still be expensive. I would say 1,000 baht
a month at the minimum.
S.1) Microsoft Windows 3.1 Thai Edition
From: PANU@vm.acs.unt.edu (Panu Sittiwong)
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 94 12:32:26 CST
Since my previous post on Windows 3.1 Thai Edition, I have received
several info. about the product. So I decide to post it in SCT to
everyone. Here is the info.
Windows 3.1 Thai Edition
The Valuesoft Vision Co. Ltd.
15th Floor, Central Chidlom Tower
22 Soi Somkid, Ploenchit Rd.
Bangkok 10330
Tel. 66-2-254-7088
Fax. 66-2-256-0310
I don't know that you can get it in the U.S. I got my copy in
Bangkok by trading in my English version of Windows 3.1. The
upgrade price is 1250 Bath plus 7% VAT. You will need to bring
all the diskettes of the English version for the upgrade. The
software comes in 8 diskettes and a Thai manual. I have been using
it since last August without any problem and the Thai characters
look real nice.
From: Randall Jones (rjones@igc.apc.org)
Date: 24 Jan 94 12:24 PST
I've just ordered the Thai version of Windows 3.1. I ordered the full
package, not the upgrade. It cost $190.00. (I haven't received it yet
but I'm looking forward to trying it out.)
I ordered from THE IDEA in California (Los Angeles, I think). Their
phone number is (213) 628-2801. This was the only vendor MicroSoft
Help could suggest for the Thai Windows in the U.S.
Thanks for contributions from:
John. A. Brubaker (staff@emailhost.ait.ac.th) for N.3;
Mike Barnes (mbarnes@finally.East.Sun.COM) for N.5;
Panu Sittiwong (PANU@vm.acs.unt.edu) for S.1;
Randall Jones (rjones@igc.apc.org) for S.1;
Trin Tantsetthi (trin@nwg.nectec.or.th) for N.1, N.2 and N.4